Padres y profesionales que proporcionan información imparcial y recursos en todo el estado
Are you a professional working with infants, toddlers and children who are deaf/hard of hearing?
What is Illinois Sound Beginnings?
As true partners, the IL EHDI (Early Hearing Detection & Intervention) and IL Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side (ILHV GBYS) staff work very closely to develop grant narratives, budgets, project methodology, work plans, and data measures. By having activities family-focused, this allows the program to address the screening and follow-up needs of all infants and their families in Illinois while reducing diagnostic loss to follow-up and increasing early intervention and parent-to-parent support enrollment.
Visit IL EHDI's Website:
Are you the parent of a child with hearing loss or parent of a deaf child living near a neighboring state? IL Hands & Voices is here to help but so are these chapters: