Parent Guides & Deaf/Hard of Hearing Guides
What is Guide By Your Side?
Guide By Your Side (GBYS) is a program that provides:
Unbiased information
One on one support and resources
Trained Parent Guides to talk and/or meet with you
What are Parent Guides?
Parent Guides are adults who have children with a hearing loss.
They provide unbiased information and resources regarding communication, educational and technological choices.
They help families identify their options…not tell them which options to choose.
They support families. Support is all about listening first…not judging, and it’s always done without bias.
They help families navigate through the many systems and services available in Illinois.
They work as a team with professionals offering a well rounded care system for families.
Who is Eligible to Participate in the GBYS Program?
Families who have a child who has a hearing loss or who you suspect has a hearing loss.
Families that live in Illinois.
How much does the GBYS program cost me?
This program is FREE to participating families.
How does the GBYS Program benefit me and my family?
One-on-one consultation via phone, email or home visits with a regional Parent Guide.
The opportunity to network with other families.
Notification of, and opportunities to participate in, local and statewide educational events.
Illinois Guide By Your Side (GBYS) is brought to you by:
Illinois Hands & Voices
The Illinois Newborn Hearing Program (IL EHDI)
Working Together To Support Illinois Families
phone: 224-343-1873
email: ilhvgbys@gmail.com